3D animation for the raw beginner using maya

King, Roger Buzz

3D animation for the raw beginner using maya by Roger Buzz King - Boca Raton : CRC Press, ©2015 - xxv, 444 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Getting oriented 2. The maya Interface and modeling concepts in maya 3. Modeling, creating materials, and rendering 4. Hierarchies of objects, a polygon example, detailed polygon modeling, and a NURBS example 5. Materials, bump maps, lights, projection versus normal textures, connecting NURBS surfaces, and layered textures 6.Particle dynamics 7. A first look at adding animation 8. The fuzzy border between modeling and animating 9. Light fog, fluids, and another look at materials 10. An example model: a closet 11. Specialized animation techniques

"Accessible to art, engineering, computer science, and film students and professionals, this text provides a concise, principles-based introduction to 3D animation. It emphasizes the process for creating animated projects in a nonmathematical fashion. The text focuses on how to carry out this process with Autodesk Maya, the gold standard in 3D animation. Each chapter introduces a critical aspect of the 3D animation process and guides readers through simple, step-by-step tutorials that link key principles to Autodesk Maya techniques. "


Computer animation
Three-dimensional display systems
Computers / Computer Graphics.

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