Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998 [electronic resource] : 23rd International Symposium, MFCS'98, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 1998 /
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783540685326
- 004.0151 23
- QA75.5-76.95
Hypergraph traversal revisited: Cost measures and dynamic algorithms -- Defining the Java Virtual Machine as platform for provably correct Java compilation -- Towards a theory of recursive structures -- Modularization and abstraction: The keys to practical formal verification -- On the role of time and space in neural computation -- From algorithms to working programs: On the use of program checking in LEDA -- Computationally-sound checkers -- Reasoning about the past -- Satisfiability — Algorithms and logic -- The joys of bisimulation -- Towards algorithmic explanation of mind evolution and functioning -- Combinatorial hardness proofs for polynomial evaluation -- Minimum propositional proof length is NP-hard to linearly approximate -- Reconstructing polyatomic structures from discrete X-rays: NP-completeness proof for three atoms -- Locally explicit construction of r?dl's asymptotically good packings -- Proof theory of fuzzy logics: Urquhart's C and related logics -- Nonstochastic languages as projections of 2-tape quasideterministic languages -- Flow logic for Imperative Objects -- Expressive completeness of Temporal Logic of action -- Reducing AC-termination to termination -- On one-pass term rewriting -- On the word, subsumption, and complement problem for recurrent term schematizations -- Encoding the hydra battle as a rewrite system -- Computing ?-free NFA from regular expressions in O(n log2(N)) time -- Iterated length-preserving rational transductions -- The head hierarchy for oblivious finite automata with polynomial advice collapses -- The equivalence problem for deterministic pushdown transducers into abelian groups -- The semi-full closure of Pure Type Systems -- Predicative polymorphic subtyping -- A computational interpretation of the ??-calculus -- Polymorphic subtyping withoutdistributivity -- A (non-elementary) modular decision procedure for LTrL -- Complete abstract interpretations made constructive -- Timed bisimulation and open maps -- Deadlocking states in context-free process algebra -- A superpolynomial lower bound for a circuit computing the clique function with at most (1/6) log log n negation gates -- On counting ac 0 circuits with negative constants -- A second step towards circuit complexity-theoretic analogs of Rice's theorem -- Model checking Real-Time properties of symmetric systems -- Locality of order-invariant first-order formulas -- Probabilistic concurrent constraint programming: Towards a fully abstract model -- Lazy functional algorithms for exact real functionals -- Randomness vs. completeness: On the diagonalization strength of resource-bounded random sets -- Positive turing and truth-table completeness for NEXP are incomparable -- Tally NP sets and easy census functions -- Average-case intractability vs. worst-case intractability -- Shuffle on trajectories: The schützenberger product and related operations -- Gaußian elimination and a characterization of algebraic power series -- D0L-systems and surface automorphisms -- About synchronization languages -- When can an equational simple graph be generated by hyperedge replacement? -- Spatial and temporal refinement of typed graph transformation systems -- Approximating maximum independent sets in uniform hypergraphs -- Representing hyper-graphs by regular languages -- Improved time and space hierarchies of one-tape off-line TMs -- Tarskian set constraints are in NEXPTIME -- ??*-Equational theory of context unification is ? 1 0 -hard -- Speeding-up nondeterministic single-tape off-line computations by one alternation -- Facial circuits of planar graphs and context-free languages.-Optimizing OBDDs is still intractable for monotone functions -- Blockwise variable orderings for shared BDDs -- On the composition problem for OBDDs with multiple variable orders -- Equations in transfinite strings -- Minimal forbidden words and factor automata -- On defect effect of bi-infinite words -- On repetition-free binary words of minimal density -- Embedding of hypercubes into grids -- Tree decompositions of small diameter -- Degree-preserving forests -- A parallelization of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm -- Comparison between the complexity of a function and the complexity of its graph -- IFS and control languages -- One quantifier will do in existential monadic second-order logic over pictures -- On some recognizable picture-languages -- On the complexity of wavelength converters -- On Boolean vs. Modular arithmetic for circuits and communication protocols -- Communication complexity and lower bounds on multilective computations -- A finite hierarchy of the recursively enumerable real numbers -- One guess one-way cellular arrays -- Topological definitions of chaos applied to cellular automata dynamics -- Characterization of sensitive linear cellular automata with respect to the counting distance -- Additive cellular automata over ?p and the bottom of (CA,?).
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS'98, held in Brno, Czech Republic, in August 1998. The 71 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 168 submissions. Also included are 11 full invited surveys by prominent leaders in the area. The papers are organized in topical sections on problem complexity; logic, semantics, and automata; rewriting; automata and transducers; typing; concurrency, semantics, and logic; circuit complexity; programming; structural complexity; formal languages; graphs; Turing complexity and logic; binary decision diagrams, etc.
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