Taming the Infinities of Concurrency [electronic resource] : Essays Dedicated to Javier Esparza on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday /
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783031562228
- 004.0151 23
- QA75.5-76.95
Fairness and Liveness under Weak Consistency -- Restricted Flow Games -- SynthLearn: a Tool for Guided Reactive Synthesis -- On Regular Expression Proof Complexity of Salomaa’s Axiom System F1 -- Hidden Markov Models with Unobservable Transitions -- Coverability in Well-Formed Free-Choice Petri Nets -- Devillers On verifying concurrent programs under weak consistency models: Decidability and Complexity -- A Summary and Personal Perspective on Recent Advances in Privacy Risk Assessment in Digital Pathology through Formal Methods -- A Uniform Framework for Language Inclusion Problems -- On the Home-Space Problem for Petri Nets -- Leroux Newton’s Method – There and Back Again -- Template-Based Verification of Array-Manipulating Programs -- Memoryless Strategies in Stochastic Reachability Games -- Region Quadtrees Verified -- Computing pre* for General Context Free Languages -- 2-Pointer Logic.
Javier Esparza received his primary degree in Theoretical Physics and in 1990 his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Zaragoza. After positions at the University of Hildesheim, the University of Edinburgh, and the Technical University of Munich, he then held professorships at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Stuttgart, and finally returned to TU Munich where he currently holds the Chair of Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science. Javier is a leading researcher in concurrency theory, distributed and probabilistic systems, Petri nets, analysis of infinite-state models, and more generally formal methods for the verification of computer systems. He has coauthored over 200 publications, many of them highly influential. He coauthored the monographs Free Choice Petri Nets, and Unfoldings: A Partial Order Approach to Model Checking, and more recently the textbook Automata Theory: An Algorithmic Approach. The latter is an exampleof Javier’s many activities as a teacher, he has supervised more than 20 PhD students, taught at more than 20 summer schools, and won many awards for his university teaching. He is regularly invited to deliver plenary talks at prestigious computer science conferences and participate in senior program committees, he has contributed as a senior member of technical working groups, society councils, and journal editorial boards, and in 2021 he became a founding Editor-in-Chief of the open-access TheoretiCS journal. This Festschrift celebrates Javier’s contributions on the occasion of his 60th birthday, the contributions reflect the breadth and depth of his successes in Petri nets, concurrency in general, distributed and probabilistic systems, games, formal languages, logic, program analysis, verification, and synthesis. .
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