Principles of Systems Design [electronic resource] : Essays Dedicated to Thomas A. Henzinger on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday /
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783031223372
- 004.0151 23
- QA75.5-76.95
Hybrid, timed, cyber-physical and dynamical systems -- From Hybrid Automata to DAE-based modeling -- What's Decidable about Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems? -- Symbolic Analysis of Linear Hybrid Automata { 25 Years Later -- A Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Safe Driving Automation -- Specification and Validation of Autonomous Driving Systems: A Multilevel Semantic Framework -- On Specifications and Proofs of Timed Circuits -- Asynchronous Correspondences Between Hybrid Trajectory Semantics -- Generalizing Logical Execution Time -- Automata, logic and games -- Towards a Grand Uni cation of Buechi Complementation Constructions -- A Simple Rewrite System for the Normalization of Linear Temporal Logic -- Survey on Satisfiability Checking for the mu-Calculus through Tree Automata -- Universal algorithms for parity games and nested xpoints -- Simulation relations and applications in formal methods -- Fine-Grained Complexity Lower Bounds for Problems in Computer Aided Verification.-Getting Saturated with Induction -- Voronkov Probabilistic and quantitative verification -- On Probabilistic Monitorability -- On the Foundations of Cycles in Bayesian Networks -- Satisfiability of quantitative probabilistic CTL: Rise to the challenge -- Symbolic Verification and Strategy Synthesis for Turn-based Stochastic Games -- Parameter Synthesis in Markov Models: A Gentle Survey -- Convex Lattice Equation Systems -- Variance Reduction for Estimating Event Probabilities of Chemical Reaction Networks -- Software systems theory -- From Interface Automata to Hypercontracts -- Consistency and Persistency in Program Verification: Challenges and Opportunities -- Automated Program Repair Using Formal Verification Techniques -- Embedded Domain Specific Verifiers -- Software Model Checking: 20 Years and Beyond -- Artificial intelligence and machine learning -- T4V: Exploring Neural Network Architectures that Improve the Scalability of Neural Network Verification -- A framework for transforming specifications in reinforcement learning -- Robustness Analysis of Continuous-Depth Models with Lagrangian Techniques -- Correct-by-Construction Runtime Enforcement in AI - A Survey.
This Festschrift is dedicated to Thomas A. Henzinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday in 2022. After studies at Kepler University in Linz and the University of Delaware, Tom’s Ph.D. work in Stanford led to the foundations of models and analysis techniques for real-time systems. The thesis is representative of his entire research career: elegant, deep theoretical results with clear application potential. Tom spent time at the IMAG Laboratory in Grenoble, Cornell, UC Berkeley, EPFL, and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken. In 2009 he became the founding President of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, which under his leadership has become a world-class interdisciplinary research institute. Tom Henzinger is one of the leading researchers in computer-aided verification. He developed influential models and tools for the design of reactive, timed, and hybrid systems. This laid the theoretical foundation forverifying multi-agent, real-time, and embedded software, extending automata, logics, and verification algorithms from finite-state reactive systems to cyber-physical systems. He has made deep contributions in areas such as software model checking; quantitative notions of correctness and robustness measures for software; graph games for the algorithmic synthesis of control systems; formal methods for increasing trust in machine-learned systems; and executable symbolic models for biological systems. In all his roles, Tom has promoted excellent science, characterized by intellectual rigor, vision, stimulating collaborations, and elegant communication. This Festschrift volume celebrates his many contributions in the field of computer science, with 31 papers covering various research and application directions, authored by scientists inspired by his efforts and example over many years. ---.
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