Approximation and Online Algorithms [electronic resource] : Third International Workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Selected Papers /
Material type:
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783540322085
- 005.1 23
- QA76.758
“Almost Stable” Matchings in the Roommates Problem -- On the Minimum Load Coloring Problem -- Improved Approximation Algorithms for MAX NAE-SAT and MAX SAT -- The Hardness of Network Design for Unsplittable Flow with Selfish Users -- Improved Approximation Algorithm for Convex Recoloring of Trees -- Exploiting Locality: Approximating Sorting Buffers -- Approximate Fair Cost Allocation in Metric Traveling Salesman Games -- Rounding of Sequences and Matrices, with Applications -- A Note on Semi-online Machine Covering -- SONET ADMs Minimization with Divisible Paths -- The Conference Call Search Problem in Wireless Networks -- Improvements for Truthful Mechanisms with Verifiable One-Parameter Selfish Agents -- Symmetry in Network Congestion Games: Pure Equilibria and Anarchy Cost -- A Better-Than-Greedy Algorithm for k-Set Multicover -- Deterministic Online Optical Call Admission Revisited -- Scheduling Parallel Jobs with Linear Speedup -- Online Removable Square Packing -- The Online Target Date Assignment Problem -- Approximation and Complexity of k–Splittable Flows -- On Minimizing the Maximum Flow Time in the Online Dial-a-Ride Problem -- Tighter Approximations for Maximum Induced Matchings in Regular Graphs -- On Approximating Restricted Cycle Covers -- A PTAS for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem in Unit Disk Graphs -- Speed Scaling of Tasks with Precedence Constraints -- Partial Multicuts in Trees -- Approximation Schemes for Packing with Item Fragmentation.
The third Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2005) focused on the design and analysis of algorithms for online and computationally hard problems. Both kinds of problems have a large number of applications from a variety of ?elds. WAOA 2005 took place in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on 6–7 October 2005. The workshop was part of the ALGO 2005 event that also hosted ESA, WABI, and ATMOS. The two previous WAOA workshops were held in Budapest (2003) and Rome (2004). Topics of interest for WAOA 2005 were: algorithmic game theory, appro- mation classes, coloring and partitioning, competitive analysis, computational ?nance, cuts and connectivity, geometric problems, inapproximability results, mechanism design, network design, packing and covering, paradigms, rand- izationtechniques,real-worldapplications,andschedulingproblems.Inresponse to the call for papers we received 68 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least three referees, and the vast majority by at least four referees. The submissions were mainly judged on originality, technical quality, and relevance to the topics of the conference. Based on the reviews, the Program Committee selected 26 papers. We are grateful to Andrei Voronkov for providing the EasyChair conference system,whichwasusedtomanagetheelectronicsubmissions,thereviewprocess, and the electronic PC meeting. It made our task much easier. We would also like to thank all the authors who submitted papers to WAOA 2005 as well as the local organizers of ALGO 2005.
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