System software
Chattopadhyay, Santanu
System software Santanu Chattopadhyay - Haryana PHI Learning ©2007 - xi, 195 p. : ill.; 24cm.
Including bibliography and index.
Assembly language programming--assembler design--linker and loader--microprocessor--compiler--text editor--debugger--the netwide assembler : NASM.
Systems software.
System design.
005.42 / CHA-S
System software Santanu Chattopadhyay - Haryana PHI Learning ©2007 - xi, 195 p. : ill.; 24cm.
Including bibliography and index.
Assembly language programming--assembler design--linker and loader--microprocessor--compiler--text editor--debugger--the netwide assembler : NASM.
Systems software.
System design.
005.42 / CHA-S