Reason to be happy :

Basu, Kaushik

Reason to be happy : on the unexpected benefits of thinking clearly by Kaushik Basu - London : Penguin, ©2024 - 219 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

'If I were you'
Bertrand Russell's chicken
Intelligence and emotions
The world is your laboratory 2 GAME THEORY IN EVERYDAY LIFE
Is jogging worth it?
The origins of game theory
Prisoner's Dilemma
The Stag Hunt
Nash equilibrium
Why we don't get angry at tigers 3 THE ARITHMETIC OF ANXIETY
Why everyone is attractive on Miami's South Beach
Why do my friends have more friends than I do?
From John Nash to Ogden Nash 4 SCEPTICISM AND PARADOX
God, scepticism and a way of life
Assumptions in the woodwork
Seeing, hearing and mearing
Can it be rational to be irrational?
Is politics too much like football?
Determinism and choice
The value of regret 5 GRETA'S DILEMMA
The invisible hand of malevolence
Greta's Dilemma and group moral responsibility
The Samaritan's Curse 6 COLLECTIVE ACTION
Corporations as guilt shelters
Oppression and the Incarceration Game
For a better world, beyond the game of life


Self help

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