The 100 most influential writers of all time

The 100 most influential writers of all time One hundred most influential writers of all time Hundred most influential writers of all time edited by J.E. Luebering. - New York : Britannica Educational Publishing, ©2010. - 351 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - The Britannica guide to the world's most influential people .

Includes bibliographical references (p. 332-333) and index.

Homer -- Aeschylus -- Sophocles -- Aristophanes -- Gaius Valerius Catullus -- Virgil -- Imru' al-Qays -- Du Fu -- al-Mutanabbī -- Ferdowsī -- Murasaki Shikibu -- Rūmī -- Dante -- Petrarch -- Geoffrey Chaucer -- Luís de Camões -- Michel de Montaigne -- Miguel de Cervantes -- Edmund Spenser -- Lope de Vega -- Christopher Marlowe -- William Shakespeare -- John Donne -- John Milton -- Jean Racine -- Aphra Behn -- Bashō -- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz -- Daniel Defoe -- Jonathan Swift -- Voltaire -- Henry Fielding -- Samuel Johnson -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- Robert Burns -- William Wordsworth -- Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Jane Austen -- George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron -- Percy Bysshe Shelley -- John Keats -- Aleksandr Pushkin -- Victor Hugo -- Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Edgar Allan Poe -- Charles Dickens -- Robert Browning -- Charlotte Brontë -- Henry David Thoreau -- Emily Brontë -- Walt Whitman -- Herman Melville -- George Eliot -- Charles Baudelaire -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky -- Gustave Flaubert -- Henrik Ibsen -- Leo Tolstoy -- Emily Dickinson -- Lewis Carroll -- Mark Twain -- Émile Zola -- Henry James -- August Strindberg -- Oscar Wilde -- Arthur Rimbaud -- George Bernard Shaw -- Anton Chekhov -- Rabindranath Tagore -- William Butler Yeats -- Luigi Pirandello -- Marcel Proust -- Robert Frost -- Thomas Mann -- Lu Xun -- Virginia Woolf -- James Joyce -- Franz Kafka -- T.S. Eliot -- Eugene O'Neill -- Anna Akhmatova -- William Faulkner --Vladimir Nabokov -- Ernest Hemingway -- John Steinbeck -- George Orwell -- Pablo Neruda -- Samuel Beckett -- Richard Wright -- Eudora Welty -- Naguib Mahfouz -- Albert Camus -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -- Jack Kerouac -- Flannery O'Connor -- Toni Morrison -- Wole Soyinka -- Sir Salman Rushdie -- J.K. Rowling.




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